Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Louis Farrakhan

Upon news of Louis Farrakhen's failing health I find 300 authors, and 1300 post and counting, publishing racism, bigotry and thoughtlessness on the internet.
Having been outside the United States for several years I came back just as the news was filled with accusations of hate and violence centering on Louis Farrakhan, whom it appeared had the nation on the verge of a race war. I actually felt afraid for the country. Then I read and heard the quotes of Louis Farrakhan and was somewhat dumbfounded. I heard an expectation of violence but no threat of violence. Being interviewed he seemed quite intelligent with a well thought out reasoned ideology and world view that did not include aggression. In this age of Islamo-fascist Jihadism it should be evident to all that the Nation of Islam is not a violent group. Looking at his words and deeds, Louis Farrakhan appears a righteous man who desires peace, though his pessimism I haven't attributed to a religious leader before.
Yes, his ideology is filled with ideas that set one group of people apart from another, but isn't this a problem with all religions. Read the above linked posts. I would imagine that most of those posting were raised in Christian homes. Though, most would agree a true Christian would value every human being above one's self, this saintly standard is seldom achieved, and the teachings, usually centered on the idea of salvation, set one apart from another. All religions are plagued with this inconsistency and one can conclude that relativism is the natural evolution.
If all men are equal in God's site, yet we designate some saved and others damned for eternity, this contradiction is the seed for compromise, giving life to the relativism that is infecting and eroding civilization. Or in the case of the attacks on the Nation of Islam, the dehumanizing remarks centering both on race and creed, are a blight on this nation and play into Louis Farrakhan's own pessimism.
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain inalienable Rights,.....
God Bless America.

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