Thursday, December 13, 2007

Global Warming is Cool

A new report has come out that the Arctic Sea is refreezing at a record pace. I had commented on its melting in the past and suggested politics rather than an understanding of the scientific process gives the CO2 hype unfounded recognition. In the first article it recognized the changing wind patterns, as does this new report, as a cause for the melting but suggested that the warming influence of the sun on open ocean would lead to a complete melting of the arctic ocean. Reading this latest article I had to kick myself for not seeing the obvious.

This is elementary school science. What is the arctic circle? It is the line where for at least some part of the year, if not half, there is no sunlight and even when there is the angle would cause most of the light to be deflected. Further ice in extreme cold acts as an insulator. Any heat in an open ocean with no sunlight would quickly dissipate into the atmosphere as the report confirms and the results are clear. Very extreme ice formation.

Wow, the earth works in a harmonious balance. Even more basic and the first introduction to science children receive, or received in the past, is the interaction between plant and animal life. That is the interdependent dynamic of CO2 and O2. And trees (and other plant growth) have the tendency to multiply without man's intervention. So how is CO2 a pollutant?

The overload of issues, immigration, Iraq, terrorism, social security, etc, not to mention Darfur, China, Chavez, Putin in Russia, North Korea and the list goes on, has given us too much to think about. Have we all become intellectually lazy? To any educated individual with a trace of common sense the intellectual fraud of global catastrophe from man-made CO2 should be clear. Evidently many journalists don't fit that description. Not that man's impact does not need to be studied. We should seek to emulate the harmonious principles under which God created this world for us to enjoy.

Those claiming authority over the populations of this world are meeting in Bali to talk about global warming while the contradictory evidence grows daily to its supposed cause and dangers. They should know better. These are people who represent those in our own country who have failed to address real problems such as social security for decades. On the international level represent nations that in many cases oppress their own peoples and feed off political corruption.

And we are supposed to trust them to tell us how to live? The divide in leadership is between those who will take a responsible view towards the science vs those who look to enslave the world by hyping questionable science as fact. Issues of honesty, integrity and good character. The Global warming issue should not be seen as a threat but a tool to weed out incompetent leadership throughout the world.

Yes, I will be writing about Mitt Romney's speech.

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