Friday, August 01, 2008

'Thank God for Great Men' or 'Changes'

Today is an important anniversary for Americans. The anniversary of an event that has helped shape contemporary America and put front and center, in both media and politics, a figurehead of conservative values. That would be the the 20th anniversary of the Rush Limbaugh show. Many congratulations and dittos to Rush. A man whom through continuous propagation of the conservative cause has turned the hearts of many to what is right.

When did I become a conservative? It was when the then President Jimmy Carter spoke to a national audience on television declaring that the United States was no longer the worlds leading superpower. A single event, the surrender to the Soviet Union, opened my eyes to a new reality more than inflation, gas shortages and tax rates over 70%. More influential than the disgraceful retreat from Southeast Asia that led to the deaths of millions or the devaluation of life under the guise of medical science in the legalization of abortion.

What followed was Ronald Reagan with his undying devotion and faith in the United States as that 'city on the hill'. My first opportunity to vote was the privilege to help elect him to his first term. A decade after his election the economy was booming after massive tax cuts, the communist block states were free and the stare down with the Soviet Union virtually over.

Now the United States finds itself on the road to victory in Iraq and in its war against terrorism thanks to our current President George W. Bush. Yet, those who opposed the Vietnam War and like minded individuals are still trying to convince us that the United States is the problem, not the solution. That Iraq was a mistake and we didn't win (the Iraqis miraculously had a change of heart) and should get out. Like the past, donations from Buddhist Monks and our military secrets from Los Alamos going directly to Beijing, along with the now open propagation of socialism, being a covert virtual surrender to China. The democrats express joy and support for rising gas prices, as they seek world wide government control of all oil and natural gas production. The party that again proclaims the virtue of raising taxes, and wants to suffocate our industries with restrictions, fees and penalties in response to the junk science of global warming.

After the re-election of Bill Clinton and its aftermath, I could not see how such a vapid and bankrupt on every level democrat party, attributes now embodied in Nancy Pelosi, could continue. And now, how an empty suit like Senator Obama could lead pundits on the right to fear drastic expansion of the democrat party in the upcoming election. Their victories in the last election were a shock to me, but I have faith in my fellow citizens that they are smarter and more aware than the results would imply. But could I be wrong? Could the lefts propaganda machine (an essential part of any tyranny), the main stream media, be just too powerful? Where many are convinced through sound arguments, perhaps some require a clear illustration, a singular event or turning point. In the United States that may be rising energy costs and the democrats refusal to respond to the crises, but there is a much larger event on the horizon.

In a week the Beijing Olympics will begin. The Chinese communist state on display for the whole world to see. A state with a rising middle class and growing spiritual thirst. A state that will embarrass its people in front of the entire world with its tyrannical policies for the Olympic Games. An event that will deliver a double blow to the pillars of the socialist movement in the United States as well as jeopardize the communist party rule of China.

The first pillar being the media. The planned draconian methods of the communist state will fall most heavily upon them, the communist state being clueless to how the rest of the world will view their actions. The complete control of movement, and what one can see and report, along with the severe consequences for defying the state will open many eyes in the media and the public in general.

The second pillar being global warming. The intense pollution that many predict will hinder the performance of the athletes, some planning to wear specially designed masks for their events, will portray the folly of the issue. China, which surpassed the United States in emissions ahead of predictions and is in no way slowing down, is exempt from any restrictions in the Kyoto Protocols. (I noticed my google search on the Kyoto Protocols had the vast majority of top sites originating from China)

Some say the Olympics have no draw since the end of the Cold War rivalry. China's own stated policies on operations and the focus on pollution and global warming will make this Olympics one of the most viewed ever.

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