Friday, February 13, 2009

It's the Military...

A few years ago there seemed to be an excitement over the concept of amnesty, concerning the possible advancement of the reunification of Korea. Having lived in Korea, and considering myself a student of the human condition, I wrote a rough outline of how I thought the North could be opened and reunification brought about. I promoted the idea of sanctuary and a guaranteed political identity. Central to my outline was the demilitarization of Korea.

North Korea has shown complete disregard for the rest of the world. Violating treaties and breaking promises on a regular basis. Speculation over the military's role and who really rules over the North are put forth as explanations. Just as likely it is a ploy by the North to keep its adversaries confused. But what is the military? It is the defender of the State. Called to great sacrifice and indoctrinated in its own self importance and world view. An element of their society to which most of its resources have been directed. Can any agreement, a smooth reunification, be accomplished without a recognition of their identity and position?

Much of what is known as 'the wild west' in American history is attributed to the influence of the Civil War. The mass of soldiers with their corresponding tendencies and problems turning to a rough and tumble, often criminal, lifestyle. Hitler certainly saw himself and his fellow soldiers as being betrayed, and we know what came of that. I'm sure you can find numerous parallels throughout history when those devoting themselves to their nations are discarded when no longer needed.

Sanctuary is different than amnesty and would take many party members and military officials out of the picture over much of the North. By using the structure of the remaining military as the framework for reconstruction gives the current leaders of North Korea a level of comfort, as they surely will feel some ability to control what is going on through the military hierarchy. Yes, I would suggest that all reconstruction, retooling, rebuilding of the North be done by the military. A military that will be demilitarized but whose units and chain of command will be kept intact. In essence, transplanting the units and their commanders into cities, towns and villages to lead the reconstruction process. To oversee and administer the influx of planning and resources from around the world. In Iraq the literal laying off the the Iraqi military has been recognized by many as a grave mistake. Many of its former members turning to militias and the insurgencies and denying the U.S. vital human infrastructure to hold control of the country.

It also implants a social order into a society that will find itself dazed and confused when the iron fist of communist rule is removed. It will be a framework for local political parties to develop. A danger may be predetermining leadership under the new democracy. As the military leaders will be central in all development occurring in the North they will naturally be attractive to voters unfamiliar with democracy. I would argue that many of these will find themselves turning away from communism when faced with freedom and prosperity.

But most important is to give an opportunity for the communist government to make its case. Give its justifications, no matter how weak, for the horrors that will be revealed by the opening of the North. As we see the dismal reality of the North, ideological rebuttal will fall on deaf ears. Without giving people the opportunity to explain themselves they tend not to give in, to change, to repent. By highlighting the sacrifices and devotion of the military and the extreme lengths they went through creates an opening for the North to make its case.

Soon after the birth of the (H)-istory channel it earned the nick name (H)-itler channel, focusing strongly on the Second World War. And were we not all fascinated by the documentaries? What I am suggesting is major media coverage of the North Korean military. Massive, yes massive, documentation of the military from before the war to the present and through its disarming. Stories of heroism and sacrifice, of the reasoning and fears that drove them and their entire economy to create a literal military state with nearly the largest army in the world. A military with approximately 49 active troops per thousand citizens. Stories that I am sure will fascinate the world.

One may argue that more than a communist state, North Korea is a military state and nothing productive will come from an approach that disregards their relevance.

See, there are plenty of more worthy concerns and causes around the world for the resources of this nation to be directed towards. Why do we want to invest in programs that take away our freedoms and economic prosperity?

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