Thursday, January 28, 2010

Liar! Liar!

Pants on fire.

That is the only response you deserve, President Obama, after the complete disrespect you showed the Supreme Court and disregard for our Constitution in your State of the Union address.

"I know that there are those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate change." Would that be the science that has been clearly demonstrated to be fraudulent? And cutting taxes always raises revenues President Obama. Maybe you can buy an economist or two, but credible economists on both sides contradict your claims on the stimulus and jobs. And I know you find this hard to believe, but people living outside the inner cities of democrat party run cities know all this.

Enough said. This President will not give up on the Marxist goals they, those holding the democrat party hostage, hold dear. They are not backing down on health care. They are not stopping the billions of the failed stimulus package still to be handed out for campaign support, aka votes.

The fight for the soul of this nation is far from over. 2010 will be a year of struggle between the forces of ACORN and Tea Party supporters. Struggles with local governments over voting irregularities. A struggle that will ultimately spill into the courts. Only 2013 will reveal if this nation will fall to tyranny or not.

It is the time the left will realize, if they haven't already, that now is the time to go for it all. Their last chance. And they will show no regard for the rights or well being of any who may stand in their way. It is the way every socialist/Marxist system that denies God has gone.

And for those of us who are past middle age, who remember the Cold War, and have a functioning intellect and conscience capable of discerning right from wrong, we see and understand clearly the tactics of the enemy. One of which is to break the moral fabric of the target society. The continual indoctrination of school children, at increasingly younger ages, in the management of sex and sex by-products being one part of the lefts strategy to subvert the people and attain complete control.

But over this last year, when everything looked so hopeful for the left to take over this nation, 'we the people' pushed back. We spontaneously responded, networking over the Internet and alternative media. Our voice is sweeping the nation, a portent of true change. A return to limited government.

Thank God for the Supreme Court ruling on corporate campaigning. 'We the people' can see who shares our values and direct our funds to those companies that do. And if those companies are not sincere, we will all soon find out on some blog somewhere. A way to offset the influence of government funds going to organizations and companies that support big government, organizations like Planned Parenthood, ACORN and its various reincarnations, and all those new green industries the government is looking to create.

And Thank God for the NRA for protecting our second amendment rights. Our right to revolt, or duty in the face of tyranny according to our founding fathers. Nothing can stop our opposition to a true tyranny if it should come to pass. Except.... the military. The military, a bastion of our finest Americans, like many who have coalesced behind the tea parties. Citizens of service and moral fortitude. Perhaps the only entity that is keeping us free.

When you step back and look at the bigger picture, the longer history, is it any surprise the left has been promoting homosexuality in the military. If the moral fiber of the military is broken, if military life becomes a petty process of conforming to political correctness (remember Fort Hood), we are all in deep doo doo, if we cannot turn the leftests back now.

But maybe we can put the homosexual men in the women's barracks and visa versa..... maybe prayer isn't the only cure for homosexuality.

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