Sunday, June 03, 2012

The Election Wars

Wisconsin has become ground zero for the struggle between the silent moral majority of this country (AKA the tea party) and the socialist left that President Obama has exemplified as a Marxist struggle against individual freedom and capitalism. The democrats have declared Wisconsin a dry run for the upcoming Presidential election.

The primary elections for governor in the recall elections here in Wisconsin could not have been more ideal. The mass mobilization of the good people in this state was inspiring. Governor Walker received more votes than the leading democrat opponent yet fewer votes than all four of the democrat candidates together. This gave all conservatives great hope, yet at the same time kept the urgency and the drive to take back our state and country alive with the potential for a democrat win still clearly looming.

There is a strong drive to mobilize the base on both sides in Wisconsin. The union’s radical political arms are mobilizing, focusing their national forces here in Wisconsin. Early voting, absentee voting is being done on a massive scale in Milwaukee and Madison; liberal strongholds. People fear mass fraud will occur. Out of state vehicles are bringing in people by the van loads to vote. Some wonder why many a middle aged black citizen is just registering to vote for the first time now. Didn’t they voter for Obama in 2008?

This is the only viable scenario in which the democrat’s Tom Barrett could defeat Governor Walker; the success of massive attempts at voter fraud. A figure as high as 40,000 votes has been put forward as the possible extent of fraud by Reince Priebus. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was higher. Voter fraud has been documented, and evaluations of the election process here in Wisconsin, even by the Milwaukee Police department, have suggested the incidents of fraud are high. Democrat politicians here and elsewhere continually claim we have no significant fraud despite the statistics. The democrats cannot tolerate picture ID requirements for voting and timed their legal actions against the voter ID law in Wisconsin so it would not be enforced for this election. But whatever the outcome may be in the Wisconsin election for governor the democrats lose.

A Walker win will ignite hope in the hearts of all true Americans. It will provide a vision for the future that will snowball across the country creating an avalanche that will sweep over Congress.

A Walker loss would only infuriate the tea party. We, the now not so silent majority, will be more determined than ever to stand against what we have all come to recognize as un-American; a threat to freedom itself. When the national elections arrive the democrat forces of fraud will be far too dispersed to make a difference.

So what is my greatest fear? Many, including myself, have looked upon the welfare system in the United States as a tactic to create a permanent underclass that would always vote for the democrats to protect their portion of the public dole. I am beginning to perceive something deeper and more sinister in the works. As Obama and others stir up revolutionary rhetoric in the southwest, as we have witnessed the disgusting and violent tendencies of the occupy movement, as the Attorney General has long refused to investigate the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation I have to ask a question; Was this underclass created so their votes could be easily bought or is it an integral part of an ideological plot to overthrow this country. Violent revolution is a staple on the communist menu. It is central to the ideology. Struggle makes the world go round and they don’t me debating over what movie you are going to see this weekend. Communist governments were never necessary to promote violent revolution around the world, only the ideology; a world view presented as the truth.

Big government forces do not need to keep people poor and ignorant to buy their votes. Look at the green energy companies dependent solely on the government. Then there are companies like GE or GM. Wall Street has met with so much regulation and the manipulation of financial instruments that few can separate them from the government policy and few can recognize fraud even if they are the ones perpetrating it. The criminal becomes anyone the government decides is the criminal.

The construction industry has become dependent on the government, even if only in the bestowing of tax incentives to private sector companies to build, expand or relocate. Even if a project of any kind were completely privately funded, highly uncommon these days outside of single family housing (and the Obama government seems to promote renting over buying), with ever increasing regulations and work rules the construction firms are dependent on the graces of government bodies and officials, or so they’ve been trained. The government’s near mandate of highly subsidized rail construction are to be followed by subsidizes to relocate existing housing and businesses to locations along the rail lines.

If this isn’t buying votes…

In the 80’s when I was doing volunteer work for a Victory Over Communism program our church was running I had the chance to meet figures such as Sir John Noble. I had heard testimonies that there were communist training camps just south of the border in Mexico preparing to instigate revolution in the southwest. Now we have murderous drug cartels with military training causing terror and chaos along the border. One caller to a local talk show host had an interesting perspective that was missed by the host; If these cartels have ties to the Mexican military why are they acquiring weapons from gun stores (We’re talking Fast and Furious people) when they could acquire military grade equipment from their ties in Mexico?

Yes, Fast and Furious was a plot by our own government to take away our Second Amendment rights and the drug lords appeared willing to play along.

Ever since the end of the Second World War until the fall of the Berlin Wall we were raised to fear the Red Threat. Eventually, after the early days of the Cold War there was a backlash against the blacklisting of people that may or may not have had communist sympathies. Some even tried to portray these sympathizers as traitors. But this is the United States and people are free to believe what they want as long as they are law abiding citizens. But are those of communist persuasion now embedded in our government and media all law abiding citizens?

Here in Wisconsin there is a continual attempt by democrats to have those who may have used public computers, equipment, office space or time for campaigning prosecuted. It is a crime. The problem is, just like with voter fraud, no matter how much evidence there may be against a democrat in regards to these laws there is never any investigation, let alone prosecution. Mayor Barrett’s wife has been documented to have violated these laws regarding the use of public resources for campaigning yet no investigation or charges are in the works. Mayor Barrett is Scott Walker’s opponent this Tuesday.

Attorney General Holder has lied to Congress and the attempt to find out how high this Fast and Furious scandal goes has been blocked. The mainstream media has tried to ignore the issue. Should Holder be impeached? Yes. Has he committed crimes, crimes that could even border on treason? Treason is a serious charge that needs to be resolved through serious investigation. Unfortunately we have few with the moral fortitude and insight that could possibly conduct such an investigation and this is the heart of the dilemma this nation finds itself in. Where the tea party has a clear vision of what America is or should be, we have lost the moral compass that has guided this nation in the past. Secularism and moral relevance has destroyed the conscience of our institutions. A conscience that was often typified in the media in days gone by. Now what’s cool, in the words of Victor Davis Hanson, what appears popular in any fleeting moment is what rules the day in media of every type and most tragically in our government.

Besides the Attorney General on the national level we can find troubling tendencies at the local level. Here in Milwaukee violent crime is high. Every week is filled with multiple murders whereas just one county over in Waukesha they just had their first murder in two years. Again Scott Walker’s opponent Mayor Barrett has touted lowering violent crime rates but an investigation by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has reveal a large number of violent crimes that were categorized otherwise, many crimes against women and children. The violent crime rate is higher not lower according to the FBI.

Wilding has been an issue every summer for a while now. Minority youth invade the streets and businesses causing injury and mayhem. Many victim’s reports were not take by the responding police officers. They refused to take the reports.

I often wonder why so many police chiefs across this nation, including here in Milwaukee, oppose the rights of law abiding citizens to arm themselves. We have a good police chief here in Milwaukee. I would not call him particularly politically inclined in any specific direction. The problem is he will not question those above him. He claims the violent crime statistics were human and computer error. Many think he was directed to alter the statistics. When he claims cities of similar size across the nation have similar error rates he does not convince me they were errors, and that worries me deeply.

I do not think the democrats were ready to consider possibly playing the violent revolution card for another four years. As I have stated before, I believe Obama was ordained by the left to be the great leader for this nation. Soon after he was elected some questioned why we have term limits for the office of president. Just as Chavez took power over Venezuela despite term limits Obama was to become the permanent figurehead for the glory and honor of the disenfranchised, the miss-fortuned and down trodden of this nation. In other words the true citizens, or how they view you, me and everyone else whether we are smart enough to recognize it ourselves or not. Maybe I need some re-education. Maybe I should be more complacent, like Julia in the democrats “Life of Julia” presentation where Obama is there throughout the length of her life to oversee the fulfillment of her every need.

If the leftists could not accomplish complete domination by 2016 that ace in their pocket, violent revolution by an underclass they created, was to be played, after creating a military that caters to every sexual deviant possible. (yes, there is a norm in nature and everything else is a deviation) After ending “don’t ask don’t tell” there were immediate plans to open the military to the needs of the transgender population. With a military consumed with political correctness who would question martial law, the discontinuation of elections or the outlawing of all but a single party?

I hope that Obama, Pelosi and other leading democrats of communist persuasion can admit that there cause is lost and not turn their forces to violence. They seem blind to the fact that the hopes of an Obama second term look bleak. Maybe it is better that way. But I fear this election in Wisconsin will be a wake up call for the true communists of the democrat party. If they should determine that this is the time to go for it all they will instigate violence on a massive scale centering on the 2012 elections. It is who they are. They will fail because they do not understand how small a minority of this country they truly are, but they will cause much suffering in the process.

If I wrote this even two years ago I would be laughed at. The media even now is blind to Obama’s true ideological background. They are either ignorant and incompetent, or liars. But we all hear over and over that the left cannot run on their true agenda. So what agenda is that? I don’t believe it is an Islamist agenda. It is an agenda that refuses to reach across the isle (though they demand it from others when they are not in power) and vilifies all and any who disagree. It is an agenda we now all recognize as anti-American; anti-freedom. There is only one ideology, system of thought and politics in this world it could be.

This world has but two mainstream ideologies; godless communism that glorifies violent struggle or freedom God loving democracy. It is time we all recognize that we are dealing with this godless communist force that has been eating away at the United States for over fifty years and stop closing our eyes to its dangers.

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