Monday, November 05, 2012

You Didn’t Build That!

Some time back I sent a local talk show host an e-mail in reference to the topic of freedom and jobs. I commented on how laws and regulations hinder one from simply going out to make a buck hawking goods out  in the streets. (I hope I haven’t lost all younger readers with my dated vocabulary, and dated lifestyle) If it can be outside the law to simply go out and try to sell some goods, wares or objects of personal amusement out among your own community from store to store or residence to residence you can imagine how obtuse and obstructive regulations can be if you are considering more complex and far reaching ventures.

So I wrote something along these lines “It is not like I can just pick up an ax and a long gun and trek out into the wilds to cut a life out for myself from the wilderness.”

Of course according to Obama, whatever I would build, carve out with my own hands, shedding blood sweat and tears in the process, out there in the wilderness, I would not have built that. Without that ax and long gun, most likely eventually a horse and plow among other tools and wares, I could not have built what I built. I needed those tools which through some perverse logic was provided by the government and the environment of advancement it supposedly provides.

And, after many like mind individuals as myself gathered, forming a community out there in the wilderness, and some capitalist decided to take a risk and build a railroad in hopes of profit through bringing us needed goods we would buy and transport the excess goods we were producing to markets where they are in demand, that railroad baron did not build that either. It was the government that inspired, promoted and allowed such advancement not the profits that could be gained by promoting sound trade; according to Obama.

How our concepts of hard work, industry and liberty itself have changed over time. We can attribute that change to the loss of true and easily accessible wilderness or frontier. The expression of freedom takes different forms. A free refined productive and diverse society allows pursuits in areas such as the arts and recreation that are not directly linked to survival or the direct advancement of society. It also allows mankind to investigate the mysteries of the universe and literally reach for the stars. What hasn’t changed over time however is overbearing government as the greatest threat to freedom that has ever existed, something our forefathers clearly understood.

By Obama’s standard, everything we may accomplish we didn’t really accomplish because we were dependent upon something provided by others; or rather ultimately what Obama describes as government. That implies that since the first man that split a rock and found he could use the sharp edge he created to cut and pierce that no one has genuinely built anything.

And here is the crux of the matter. This is what begs the question that divides the right from the left; or rather right from wrong. Where did the rock come from? The free world built upon Judeo-Christian ideals most completely encompassed in this nation of the United States acknowledges where that rock came from. Religion honors the origins of creation as benevolent, all powerful and good (the left’s image of government) leading man, if only he would listen, to embody and advance the highest of God’s ideals as our responsibility. We accomplish this through our free will. Our free will, freedom, allows us to build upon what exists and expand it to greater heights, sharing with God in the wonders of His creation and exalting Him in the process. So we praise and offer gratitude to God for the wonders of His gifts embodied in the creation and in like manner build upon what God has given us; to “have dominion over the creation”. We engage in the world as God desires in ever growing joy and prosperity not only for ourselves but for the greater society and for those yet to come. The cycle goes on and on where “we each did build that” as an individual unique expression of God’s creation; God’s child.

In the Obama world seeking a socialist utopia, the origins of all fore-mentioned materials and ideals came about by chance, happenstance, from an accident; the common label for an unwanted pregnancy. God and religion is the opiate of the people; for the unenlightened. The government oversees all material, biological or otherwise, as the highest evolution of all that exists. There is nothing higher than government. There is no higher source of power, knowledge or determiner of right and wrong.

This is what tomorrow’s election is about.

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