Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Liberty in North Korea, LINK, is an organization I have mentioned before. They are extremely proficient and committed. Two weeks ago at UW Madison a group of escapees from North Korea held a gathering and presented their cause. I could not make it to the event but heard from several people who did. You can see much of their presentation in piecemeal here; on their website.

There is a regular underground railroad from the northern border of North Korea and through China. The destination for these dissidents, defectors, freedom lovers or whatever moniker you wish to assign them, is predominantly Thailand and Mongolia. China is not their friend. If arrested they face return to North Korea which translates into death or imprisonment. If their escape out of the country is discovered their families are often executed.

Members of LiNK risk much to testify to the horrors of their lives in North Korea. They swoop into a community, dependent on the goodness of others, arrange presentations where they can and fly on to their next destination. They do their best to raise money to help others make their way through China.

North Korea just celebrated their 70th Anniversary. The communist revolution in Russia occurred in 1917. In 1988, 71 years later, Russian communism, the Soviet Union, came to an end.

According to my beliefs, my faith based on the teachings of Reverend Moon, communism is the pinnacle of Satan’s dominion, where he has come to deny even his very existence to preserve his hold on humankind. Communism is allowed to grow for 66 years, but then at 70 years collapses. It is a principle that played out in Russia and is now coming to pass in China and North Korea.

China has had a change in power. Still they hold tight to their communist beliefs and this may result in great disaster for China and its’ people. It is wrong to ignore China’s human rights violations. It is necessary and such abuses can never be left out of any negotiations.

Reverend Moon invested in China, Panda Motors, to support a natural and peaceful transition from communism. Most nations around the world invest much to create a foothold in China’s markets under a similar motive; that they are helping vast numbers of Chinese who would otherwise be trapped in economic despair. Still, the human rights violations cannot be ignored and such moral pressure is required to push China to abandon their communist tyranny.

Chinese communism will fail. The internal pressures of human rights abuses, economic inequality, environmental disaster and market manipulations propping up a bubble economy are all posed to bring communist China down. China should be encouraged to abandon communism. They can take the easy path and give their people true freedom and prosperity or the hard path of obstinacy which will result in great turmoil.

Reverend Moon had made several outreaches to both Russia and North Korea in the past. He met Gorbachev in Moscow and Kim Il Sung in North Korea. He was instrumental in the development of the shared economic zone in the North when North Korea’s economy was strictly centered upon China.

Now, after their 70th Anniversary North Korea is asking for a peace treaty with the United States. Yes, we are technically still at war with North Korea. It is important to build in reaches with North Korea for a peaceful transformation and re-unification. I am fairly certain that if the North Korean government collapsed China would attempt to move in.

I believe all of us can support the opening of North Korea by support these young North Koreans of LiNK exposing the human rights atrocities of that declining dictatorship. The failures and evils of communism must be exposed and recognized for those in power to truly turn their backs on communism and to look to a better system of rule for their country. It is the turning of a blind eye to such evils that allows the illusion, the delusion, of communism to fester in the minds of those in power (or not) both here in the supposed free world and where those still live under communism or the threat thereof.

And what of our President Obama’s response to North Korea’s outreach for peace? What response??? President Obama hangs his hat on a treaty with Iran, that he claims will keep Iran from attaining nuclear weapons, while Obama, and anyone using their brain, know that just the opposite will come to pass. Yet Obama shows no interest in peace with North Korea. Even if the offer of peace is a ruse, the opportunity should never be ignored.

Peace with North Korea and substantial steps towards the re-unification of the peninsula would truly be something to hang one’s hat on. Why is this of no interest to Obama? Why does he continually allow radical Islam to expand? The Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Iran and any who oppose Israel have all received compassion and empathy from our President, if not outright support. The human rights abuses committed under radical Islam, including abuses committed in the sovereign nation of Iran, are as great as any in history, yet President Obama is silent. President Obama says not a single word as Christians are slaughtered for their faith under Islam.

One can never turn a blind eye to the suffering of our fellow man, no matter who their oppressor may be, if one believes in God and all that is good.

I know what you’re all thinking; “But what did you think of the first democrat  presidential debate?” I did listen to it all on the radio. You’ll have to wait a few more days.

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