Thursday, November 29, 2007

Grabbing the Future by the Tail

Or a better title may be “All Hail Richard Nixon.” In the heat of the Cold War when social unrest was sweeping our nation, many groups with communist sympathies making their own contributions, President Nixon made his historic trip to China. Doors opened that remain open today. Under the justification of increasing the living standards of the Chinese people, helping more than those being persecuted, suppressed and murdered under a totalitarian communist state, the communist regime was propped up and the dynamics of trade and open markets began to work their magic.

Yet the oppression of the Chinese people continues and the communist regime stands defiant to any who cast judgment or not fall in line with its internal policy and world view. There is no freedom of religion or press and nations protesting their human rights record, or meeting with the Dalai Lama, are retaliated against. They continue to expand their military and sing the praises of their unique communist system with its ideology of world domination.

Tiamen Square looked to be the turning point the free world was looking for. The communist regime’s brutal crackdown and no sign of a continuing student movement deflated the hopes of many. Most all the students involved who didn’t escape from China were imprisoned and eventually murdered for their involvement. With its control of the media did many in China even understand what was going on?

As the U.S. is targeted as a greenhouse gas monster, China pollutes without compare. As the media rips our administration for supposed torture, China’s communist regime brutally suppresses its own people. As a certain political party is found flooded with money from China, and our military secrets are being handed over, another is accused of being in the pocket of big oil and Haliburton. All while the Chinese plan to drill off the Florida coast. One would think the prosperity brought to China through open markets would discourage socialism in our own nation. Yet there are those who fight for socialized medicine in the shadow of dismal failures in other free nations such as Britain and Canada.

So why would I praise Richard Nixon? The signs, at least outside the walls of Beijing, of the end for the communist regime are visible for those who chose to see. The Chinese government’s obsession with guaranteeing its people are fed, to deter unrest, is failing to assuage the growing desires of the people. Corruption and abuse of power are rampant. The mass pollution and its effects on the health of the Chinese people are becoming a worldwide media issue and a growing internal complaint. Product quality of Chinese products is criticized though out the world. Demands for electricity look to grow beyond capacity. And now the nation is suffering shortages in diesel and gasoline to fuel its massive growth.

Two significant future events could push the Chinese government to take the path of the former Soviet Union. First is the 2008 Olympic Games. The Cold War practice of Olympic boycotts would be the safest path to tell the Chinese people the rest of the world stands against the tyranny suffered by many. Attending and participating in acts of civil disobedience by athletes and the media much more effective though dangerous.

Bringing in Bibles, only to be confiscated at customs, would be the least one could do. Athletes giving words of support for Tibet, media commenting on human rights abuses in China, and chants for freedom by groups of nationals from participating countries, acts of true bravery. It would be difficult for the Chinese media to ignore the activities. To hide the news from the Chinese people after the massive emphasis the communist regime has put on the Olympics. Or take pride in medals won if the communist regime were to disqualify participation of athletes for subversive political activities.

Undoubtedly many would be denied participation in their events, arrested and kicked out of the country. Some would also be killed. Made an example of. If not foreign nationals, though some would be held in prison beyond the Olympics, Chinese citizens would be found to accuse of collaboration and subsequently murdered. Why? Because that is how evil dictators believe the world works. That fear and physical domination of others is the law of the universe. And it is part of the communist ideology.

Is it too much to ask of the athlete, journalist and common man to be a patriot and/or martyr for the Chinese people? Perhaps, but failing to recognize the confluence of events and the opportunity to end the threat of war with atheistic communism and bring freedom to the Chinese people is, maybe the best descriptive being, a mortal sin. The time is right to bring reform, which was all the murdered students in Tiamen Square were asking for.

The second event is the race for a lunar base. In our own civil war the race for an ironclad was considered pivotal. R. J. Mitchell, the developer of the Supermarine Spitfire, worked ceaselessly, and in poor health, to develop the aircraft that was credited in turning the tide in the Battle of Britain. The race for the nuclear bomb most likely decided the victor in WW II. In the Cold War space race, and arms race, the United States overcame the Soviet’s apparent superiority. So goes the battle between good and evil.

China would fail to fulfill the goals of its communist ideology in a long protracted war, being unable to meet its needs on the home front. Reference to ‘The Art or War’ and observing their endless quest for nuclear weapons technology or any technology with military applications suggests it is their least desirable path. China launched its lunar orbiter to study the moon in detail as part of its staged goals for creating a lunar base, or ‘checkmate’.

The United States is working on the international space station. The only thing international about a Chinese lunar base under a communist regime is their quest for world domination. The ability to control space, destroying satellites at will and capability to target any opposing force, military or otherwise, is an imperative in their wold view.

The race for lunar supremacy is critical. The United States must win. Being first far preferable to taking extreme action to hinder a communist regime’s attempts. More preferable yet, is to take advantage of the results of the process started by Richard Nixon some thirty years ago and working to loose control of the communist party over the people of China. The 2008 Olympic Games are a pivotal point, not only for China, for the future of the free world.

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