Friday, November 09, 2007

What's Wrong with this Picture?

Pat Robertson recently endorsed Rudy Giuliani. ? I've read the Bible quite a bit. From cover to cover several times over. Looking to the history of Israel, which I know interests Pat Robertson, I see only one perspective of what brings blessing or curses to a nation. That is the moral standards of its people, most notably the ruler.

Robertson as a religious leader has sold his soul to politics. Admittedly the abortion issue is mute considering Giuliani's promise to appoint constructionist judges. But the idea that a supposed Evangelical Christian leader would support someone who believes in government sanctioned homosexual unions and has a personal life far from the standards the Bible promotes for leadership is akin to other churches that have fallen to the wayside under the same agenda.

Islamo-fascists? OK. The endorsement of Giuliani on this single issue suggests that Robertson believes waging war is the only way to deal with terrorists. Hello crusades. While the fight may be necessary does not a true Christian vision imply something deeper? Was the lack of terrorists attacks after 9/11 under the Bush administration the result of intelligence expertise or, as the Bible suggests, the result of a leader who humbles himself before God? Under that logic, which I presume Robertson would share, a Giuliani Presidency may open the door to more attacks. I'm sure he will do an excellent job fighting back.

If Giuliani is the Republican choice in 2008 I myself would vote for him. He has shown himself a capable public servant with the necessary experience. I cannot speak to his personal relationship with God and he may accommodate the conservative support that would give him the Presidency by not pursuing his liberal social ideology. But what Robertson has done as a minister looks to be aimed at impeding the campaigns of those whom he will not support because of their religion.

The role of religious leaders in politics is not to qualify, or disqualify, a candidate based on his religion. It is to call on our leaders and the public in general to live good and upright lives that God can bless our nation. Lives that are promoted by all religions and people of conscience.

That would strongly suggest Governor Huckabee or Mitt Romney as a logical choice for Robertson's endorsement. Perhaps he couldn't stomach the idea of open borders under Governor Huckabee letting all those Catholics into the country or the fact that Mitt Romney is a Mormon. Only Pat Robertson can answer that. The reality is he didn't have to endorse anyone. I wasn't waiting for one.

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