Monday, August 27, 2012

A Bridge Too Far

In light of the 2010 midterm election, showing strong conservative results, and the continued resonance of tea party ideals among the general public, has the tea party, the conservative core of this nation gone a bridge too far? ‘A bridge too far’ taken from a quote attributed to General Montgomery in regards to Operation Market Garden and the title of a movie on Operation Market Garden.

Operation Market Garden was an ambitious plan to take a series of four bridges leading right to the border of Germany. At the time many were hoping the war would be over by Christmas. I believe we conservatives also can feel the potential for sweeping victories in the upcoming 2012 election despite the mainstream media propaganda to the contrary. But perhaps we to have been too ambitious, thinking the war will be over this November.

I am not speaking of the brilliant move by Romney in picking Paul Ryan as his running mate. I am speaking of the senate republican primaries in Wisconsin and Missouri. (the last two battleships ever commissioned)

My view of the best candidate in Wisconsin is explained in my previous post. Eric Hovde is a true conservative that has talents and abilities that not only fit what this nation needs but the world. But he lost in a four candidate primary of three conservatives and a somewhat moderate political dynamo, the former governor Tommy Thompson; the primary winner with 35% of the vote. If one of the other conservatives had dropped out Eric Hovde would most likely have picked up most of their votes and Wisconsin would again have supplied the Senate with a conservative private sector powerhouse.

I don’t know what the pundits or the republican party was thinking in not thinning the field. (actually the establishment types surely thought this was the best chance for Thompson) A prominent talk show host in the Milwaukee metropolitan area kept contemplating that the candidate losing big in the polls might come from behind and win, even though he voted for Hovde. So many others contemplated supporting a loser rather than making the rational decision. Did they think everyone could win? Did they think something magical would happen that one of three conservatives could beat out the moderate?

Yes, Thompson is a moderate but he will vote the party lines clearly drawn and understands we want Obama Care repealed, lower taxes and fewer regulations, including the reigning in of the EPA. But he is a political machine familiar with Washington. I fear he will build relationships with the massive number of unelected staff and bureaucrats rather than conservative and tea party congressmen, including his fellow senator, the manufacturer Ron Johnson.

And then there is Todd Akin, again winning with only one third of the vote in a field of three candidates, all conservatives. He quickly put his foot in his mouth and republicans abandoned him. Whether he deserved to be abandoned is not the question.

Just as in Operation Market Garden, where the British 1st Airborne suffered great losses and had to retreat from that bridge too far, those behind the conservative cause have let their hopes and ambitions overwhelm their common sense. We have suffered some setbacks and we can’t afford to keep thinking the war will be over in November. And I am not just talking about the multiple election cycles it will take to re-establish limited government in our nation.

Historians have documented parallels in history for some time. Patterns and trends are repeated in novels and movies as they seem to tap into something all can relate to; an archetype. Science fiction writers also draw on these  patterns and norms.

I believe that in the battle of good and evil for the soul of this nation we can make comparisons with the Second World War. As many believed the war would be over by Christmas, the reality turned out to be something very different. The Battle of the Bulge was yet to be fought, where evil mustered all they had to destroy the good. It was a battle of confusion and deception where the battle lines were lost and many fitted as US Military were actually Nazis. A comparison can also be made to the German advances in early 1918 in the First World War.

This election will become that battle. I believe few understand how far the left will go. And this battle will not be over until Mitt Romney stands before Chief Justice Roberts with his hand on the Bible in January. And much of the turmoil soon to manifest can be attributed to Justice Roberts. He handed the left their Holy Grail. He supplied the instrument, Obama Care, through which all their wildest dreams can be fulfilled. Why would the left ever give up now?

The left is united around an ideology that sees struggle, violence, as the dynamic through which all progress was achieved out of the chaos and void from which everything came about by chance. There are no absolute or even common values. It is a survival of the fittest where compassion and holding to ethical standards are considered weakness.

In this coming election we will see unprecedented accusations against republicans propagated vigorously by the media. We will confront great confusion. Violence will spread beyond the breaking of windows and slashing of tires on republican get out the vote vehicles as in previous elections. And if you think Biden’s statement that the republicans want to put our fellow citizens ‘back in chains’ was a gaffe, I say leftist tactics and goals suggest otherwise.

I plan to vote November 6th and be safe at home before the election results start coming in. I was out and about when the O.J. trial was out and can guarantee there will be violence when Obama loses.

If you think the left and Obama will give up after they lose the election, I disagree. We will see riots in our streets, accusations of massive  voter fraud to negate the election and attempts by the Justice Department to arrest Romney and or Ryan in an attempt to disqualify them from taking office.

But if we stay strong and righteous the good will win.

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