Wednesday, September 05, 2012

2016; Obama’s America

I heard that “2016; Obama’s America” would be leaving the theaters soon (though it seems now to still be out) and I asked my wife if she wanted to see it as I never have or will go to a movie alone.

“I really want to Know more about Obama!” she exclaimed in her not so slight Japanese accent. So we were off to the movies.

The audience was mostly seniors (so much for medi-scare) and by the way they were talking things up before the movie I got the impression they don’t go to movies much. There were about forty people there on a Tuesday Republican Convention night.

It is a movie that will upset leftist only if they fear the revealing of the truth or they don’t think they are really leftists. But the theme of an anti-colonialist Obama as the best fit for why and what he is doing is compelling but distracts from the larger danger. Obama is not a movement of one.

How did the tea party come about? Well, that silent majority and others happened to share common views on life and the world; common values. They are those who are old enough to have received a proper education in their day or went to private schools. That is, there was no organized or coordinate agenda to create this group of like minded individuals. When the dangers facing this nation became clear to all the tea party formed organically, naturally out of the grass roots.

And so it is with the left. The coordination by a foreign power in the coalescing of this Marxist/communist/socialist movement would be hard to prove. But the origins of the propagation of this ideology, that from its earliest days has been considered a threat to this nation, can be shown to originate from the Soviet Union in their designs to overthrow this country.

If you do an Internet search on “Joe McCarthy was right” you will find many sources that, with the release of Soviet files after the Soviet Union’s implosion, document that …Joe McCarthy was right. The problem was Joe McCarthy was a drunk who used a dull hatchet where a sharp carving knife was required to cut out the true threat.

We don’t arrest people or use the government to destroy people’s lives simply for what they believe, or at least that is what we would like to believe. We bring the power of the nation down upon those who seek to destroy it in specific and determined plans, and actions; illegal activities.

So when “2016; Obama’s America” isolates Obama from the larger picture we should not lose sight of the reality that the leftist that run the democrat party have there origins in what has been traditionally considered Un-American and even treasonous. And they are not simply practicing a political ideology, they have been breaking the laws of this land to subvert the Constitution and the rights of the people of this nation. (OK ….they are just practicing a political ideology)

From the campaign credit card fund raising fraud of 2008, Fast and Furious, the subversion of Constitutional processes through executive order, even asking those sworn to uphold the law not to uphold the law, and the list goes on and on, one can claim we are suffering under a tyranny; a ruling class that sees themselves above the law. If Obama were a republican he would have been impeached in his first six months.

And what of equal justice? Many cry over a double standard but what are we really talking about. Here in Wisconsin we have several well documented cases of democrats using public/government office space and resources to support various political campaigns. This is illegal activity and a republican Wisconsin legislator went to prison for similar activities far less obvious or damning. yet the democrats do not even warrant an investigation for their activities. Our now famous governor Scott Walker is implicated in a John Doe investigation (called John Doe because it is to be done in secret) that has gone on and on, and spread to issues far beyond the original scope of the original investigation. We know all this because it is all secret so as not to unjustly tarnish the reputation of those involved.

All this did not come about because an anti-colonialist, if you accept the well documented premise of the movie, suddenly gained the Presidency. We cannot lose sight of the larger picture, the dangers we face and what it will take to restore this nation.

The movie is well worth seeing especially if you sincerely want to know more about Obama and his designs to destroy this nation, specifically through the national debt. Just remember it is not just Obama who wants to see this nation destroyed. He is just one of several heads.

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