Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Follow the Money

I recently heard a BBC World report on the global financial crisis that was spreading the blame to rating agencies. Those who gave a AAA rating to the mortgage backed securities. Many want to point fingers at the financial institutions and most notably Wall Street with its supposed inherent greed, but I suggest a different culprit that built and thrived off the sub-prime loan/mortgage frenzy. That house of cards that any one with a brain or a basic ethical foundation in their lives could recognize. Many have alluded to it, pointed to aspects of it, but I have not heard anyone clearly place the blame for the crisis where it belongs, on the democrat party.

Yes it has been stated that Barney Frank and the like have opposed legislation that could have headed off much of this crisis, but why do we give the democrats any credit for their claims that it was about giving people affordable housing? What has been the mantra of the democrats beyond their empty claims of helping the little man?

We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes. ...

We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes.

The government, namely democrats, have been complicit in artificially raising our property values in order to collect more tax dollars. It was the case in the past here in Milwaukee that housing was appraised every two years. That was changed to every year not too long ago as housing prices seemed to be on an endless rise. Greater than a one time commission received by a realty agent are the tax dollars collected as the sale of the home drives up the values of every property in the neighborhood. And these taxes are collected year after year after year. Did your tax rates go down respectively as prices climbed? And are your assessments going down now that the bottom has dropped out? ...

We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes.

I contested the value of my house one year and they came and inspected my property. They dropped the value back a bit, far less than it should have been, but then the next year just raised it twice as much. When I tell this story to my fellow citizens I need only open my mouth and they finish the story themselves. They have all had the same experience. In my case the assessed value is ridiculous. ...

We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes.

And why bail out these monster institutions like Fanny Mae or even Citi Group that are so large that they are reaching monopoly status? Why not sell off the assets and let the over all corporations go under as they deserve? There are hundreds if not thousands of smaller banks across the country that are not in trouble and could buy many of these resources. But how difficult would it be to artificially inflate housing prices without a central institution to work through? ...

We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes.

Yes the democrats hold the blame. They have purposefully put forth policies to artificially raise property values to collect more in property taxes. To grease the wheels for those who contribute and grow government to where the majority are working for or are on the government dole. (Is there a difference?) To build their socialist ideal. And they are now using this crisis they created to forward their failed backward policies. ...

We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes.

Have you ever met a democrat that didn't believe we have to raise taxes? Or that actually pay all their own taxes? ...

We have to raise taxes. We have to raise taxes.

Just follow the money. What single entity gained the most out of the housing boom?

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