Friday, March 20, 2009

People in Glass Houses

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is weeks gone by now. I was inspired by the profound insight provided by Rush Limbaugh, his speech being broadcast on his radio show, but then had to ask; Why is it so profound? Delivered in a professional, intelligent and informed fashion highlights why he is who he is. But why are the ideals he upholds and built his presentation on seemingly so rare? I thought it was what the United States was always about. Concepts of virtue and common sense every good citizen should understand.

More telling though was the 14 year old conservative, Jonathan Krohn, who also spoke at the conference. How can a movement that is looking to turn the greatest nation, still, in the world back to its founding principles, looking to turn back the tide of big government, entertain the workings of the mind of a 14 year old? It is not only because the principles are so basic that they should be common to everyone, it is because the debate between conservative and liberal is becoming more and more the debate between theism and atheism; God or no God. For only one view can be correct and naturally determines the other to be false and in conflict with how the world, the universe itself, works. That is why the political divide has become a contrast between the spiritual and material, the moral and the immoral, a culture of life and a culture of death, vision and delusion, and literally competence and incompetence.

Let's create some metaphors to illustrate the point. Let us say every man lives in a glass house. A greenhouse, but you can call it a crystal cathedral or build it in any form you desire. And let us say God is the sun, that life giving force upon which we all depend. All the greenery and animals inside these greenhouses are the only products of ones life that are truly under your control.

The man (or woman) who recognizes the reality of God and his principles keeps his glass clean and cares for the plants and other life by keeping the soil productive and providing a proper supply of water. His garden prospers. In an ideal world others would look to emulate his prosperity, to follow his example. Creating their own gardens with each reflecting the unique nature of its creator in infinite variety.

Those who deny God, who deny that the sun has anything to do with how one's garden grows, fail to follow these principles. Refusing to keep their glass clean, then watering too heavily to try to compensate for the lack of growth, they only make things worse, using up valuable resources. They become bitter and look to blame others rather than acknowledge their own shortcomings.

They eventual rise in complete rebellion of God, or the sun in this case, rather than turn back to sound gardening practices. They paint over their glass, blocking out the life giving graces of the sun, with bright shiny colors, beautiful images and attractive slogans. They call the productive selfish. They promote unrest and preach calamity. They throw stones and mud to demean those who believe in the life giving forces of the sun. Using the true principles of good gardening to destroy the prosperity they feel they were denied, blind to their own hypocrisy. Always drawing attention away from their own gardens of rot and death, with big smiles and a facade of being in the know. Promises of making everyone the same by punishing those who have, targeting not only wealth but any expression individuality itself.

They create a labyrinth of words, theories and images in contradiction to the true principles of good gardening. A maze that leads nowhere, that they claim so complex only they have the ability to navigate to the promised riches. Claiming themselves not only above the laws of good gardening but man's laws as well. They claim the debate is over because any intelligent investigation would uncover the ruse.

I could go on. So easy a child could understand it. Just look at the political reality of our nation today. The grabbing up of mass resources through unending layers of taxation. A democrat party Congress in conjunction with the media targeting individual private citizens and corporations. An empty suit as a President and a cabinet literally containing criminals.

I wrote a piece "The Perfect Storm?" wondering if the people of this nation care. If they can recognize the vapid empty policies wreaking havoc on this nation and make an informed decisive response to the liberal delusion. But this isn't a storm. Our nation is in a tail spin, plummeting uncontrolled towards the ground. The pilot has been gagged and bound and the time is now to stand up, take control of the plane and set the pilot free.

We talk about being bipartisan. Respecting the views of those who don't agree; working together. But those in charge are leading our nation to destruction and I see only one movement that can save this nation and that is the conservative movement. We cannot afford to work with the other side. They are poised to literally take out their opposition. Unless democrats literally break from their party, forming a new party in rebellion to the liberal leadership, it is the time to neither give or take quarter.

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