Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Greatest

In Boxing that would be Mohammad Ali. I came home late one weekend and found a documentary on television. It was called "A.K.A. Cassius Clay" filmed in 1970. That was when Ali had lost his titles and his riches for refusing to submit to the draft. He didn't run away to Canada. He didn't refuse to report to the draft office. He didn't say he would refuse or even resist any punishment that the authorities may dictate. And though he spoke out against what he saw as wrong, he didn't tear down but looked to build up. He gave a positive message of hope and empowerment. He was admired by black radicals and white leftists though his words matched neither. He won the respect of all. I had tears in my eyes when I watched him with the Olympic torch in 1996.

Whether you see his stand against what he saw as an unjust war, Vietnam, as protected by freedom of faith or not makes no difference. He was a man who accomplished greatness in his life. Reached the top and knew it. But more importantly he was a man who was right, not Wright, with God. A rightness, or righteousness, not determined by one groups narrow view of salvation but by knowing the real God and man's place in His world. He was right with God before he became Muslim and he was right with God after he became Muslim. Though he was condemned he was free, for God is the origin of freedom and without God there is no freedom. Something the founders of this great nation understood.

If you know the Bible, a nation failed or prospered depending on its leader's standing with the one God. Humility before God is what I saw in former president Bush and admired. It is why I was his supporter even when he was unpopular and I didn't necessarily agree with everything he did. It is why I believe our nation was protected from further terrorist attacks.

I would argue that a proper view of manhood comes from being right with God. That the development of civilization itself can be linked to a growing awareness of the one God. That this nation of the United States is so immensely blessed because its founders acknowledged God and His glory inherent in every man.

Is a man who trashes our Constitution, who cannot understand its spiritual foundations. a man right with God? Is a man who speaks out to support the practice of allowing babies born alive during an abortion to be killed, a man who is right with God? Is a man who sought out and admires radicals, Marxists and communists, who pursues failed socialist policies a man right with God? Is a man who sees government as the solution and seeks to extend its powers into every aspect of people's lives a man right with God?

I pray for President Obama everyday. Because more than his policies, the fortunes of this nation, and much of the world, rest on President Obama being right with God. And that will be reflected in a change of his policies, or should I say the rejection of policies of the likes of Pelosi and Frank. That's how I see it.

Here is Mohammad Ali winning the world heavy weight championship. I hope to get the chance to see the entire film "A.K.A. Cassius Clay" sometime. It would make a nice gift.

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