Monday, August 31, 2015

Doctor Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson would be my choice for President after Scott Walker.

Perhaps I am wrong. Maybe he should be my first choice. Dr. Ben Carson is a man of strong faith and belief in family. He is a man of outstanding accomplishment and ability. Our founding fathers were such men and they wrote a constitution in a way that men of similar character and stature could lead this nation. If we believe God had a hand in establishing this nation and has a purpose for this nation should it not be men such as Dr. Ben Carson we should seek to be our President?

Dr. Ben Carson Believes in a flat tax, per God’s command for a tithe; the same for the rich as for the poor.

What deeply impressed me however is Dr. Ben Carson’s plan for healthcare. He believes in Health Saving Accounts; the funds completely transferrable between family members, or as he put it, making every family their own insurance company. This belief in the family, the belief in the goodness of man and in the open market is unequaled in the world of politics.

Dr. Ben Carson’s Health Savings Account plan is a market driven plan; a plan where people pay their own bills and have a financial interest in finding the best value. Dr. Ben Carson speaks from a position of unchallengeable authority when he says this will make healthcare more affordable for all. He has a lifetime of experience in how it all works.

Healthcare costs are already an unbearable burden to our economy. The Carson Healthcare Plan frees the people of this nation from unwanted government intrusion. It frees the people of this nation from an insurance industry that has become nothing more than prepaid medical. Pre-paid medical can only lead to a single payer system.

Like Scott Walker, Dr. Ben Carson is not unsusceptible to the influences of his profession. One should be concerned over the research he participated in that included work with fetal tissue.

The obvious interest and research Dr. Ben Carson has shown in the field of national defense tells me he is absolutely committed to his quest for the Presidency. He has mastered ever field of endeavor he has pursued in his life. I believe him deadly serious.

The politics of race play against Dr. Ben Carson. If the black population centers of this nation supported Dr. Ben Carson his numbers would surpass Donald Trump’s. Unfortunately successful black men are not considered black; Clarence Thomas being just one of many examples of outstanding Americans, free of heart and mind, denied the advantages of their heritage because of the values they hold.

I believe the full weight of the devastation the Obama administration has wrought upon this country has yet to be felt. The reality of the politics of race is… that without Dr. Ben Carson as President, bringing prosperity back to this nation and freeing us from the slavery of Obamacare, this nation will never elect another black President for at least fifty years.

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