Monday, August 31, 2015

Marco Rubio and the Senators

I am not a fan of Senators running for President. Governors are commonly accepted as the preferred standard for the highest executive office in the land. Still Senators are not uncommon as President and their names are not soon forgotten when they are.

For a Senator to be elected President is the equivalent of a sub 500 average baseball team beginning a run in September and making it all the way to the World Series and winning. Absolutely possible, but we are in awe when it happens.

Lindsay Graham hasn’t made it out of the blocks and as an establishment candidate does not stand a chance.

Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are the true conservative, even tea party candidates. I am afraid that Donald Trump is hurting Rand Paul more than anyone else though he wouldn’t be my first choice.

I could enthusiastically vote for Ted Cruz for President. He has the best chance among the Senators running for the Republican nomination. When I claim best chance I am speaking from a personal common man opinion of what I believe the general public wants, what they believe this government needs, in contrast to what the establishment and media believe we want. So why not focus your commentary on Ted Cruz? There will be time if he wins the nomination.

Rick Santorum  is a conservative within the establishment. No longer holding office he will not advance.

Marco Rubio’s run for President may be easy to predict and the most fascinating. Marco Rubio is intelligent, educated, and well qualified for the office of President by anyone’s standards. He has powerful conservative convictions for which he should be admired. But he has several problems.

First he not only looks younger than all the other candidates, he sounds younger. This will keep people from voting for him. It doesn’t matter that he is the youngest; perception is reality

Second. in line with the first, he presents a naiveté which most would claim is not representative of his true abilities or convictions. But it is. He is far more entrenched in the establishment then he even realizes. He can talk a good conservative American Story, but watch as the primaries progress. As the establishment types drop out who will they endorse? Who will they assign their tiny blocks of delegates too? This should be instructive into how, if not establishment himself, rooted in the establishment Marco Rubio truly is.

The third problem Marco Rubio has is his demographic. The public is coalescing around the trend of completely rejecting anything and everything establishment. It is the establishment bowing to so called political professionals (in that they get paid for their advice) and the media that has determined that Marco Rubio’s Latino background would be extremely valuable, necessary to win the Presidential election.

This is why I have already predicted that Marco Rubio will be the running mate for anyone who wins the nomination. It will be a nod from the Presidential candidate, who I am certain will be a conservative, to the establishment and their cult of political analysts, to say, “Hey, I understand. You can trust me.”

I do not believe any private sector candidates are running for or would except a Vice Presidential position. They don’t want to sit around doing nothing for eight years. I believe Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are too strong headed to accept the position.

Not a problem for Marco Rubio, is the all important Florida that everyone agrees, rightly or wrongly, must be won to win the Presidency. Marco Rubio is from Florida. He needs only a respectable number of delegates, most likely those won early and others bestowed, to take to the convention and claim the spot of VP on the ballot.

John Kasich of Ohio is his only competition, only because he is from Ohio and under the slightest of chances that Jeb Bush actually wins the nomination. Nothing would say establishment stronger, stand for government over all, than a Bush-Kasich ticket.

As the democrat party disintegrates before our eyes, kept alive in the hearts and minds of the low information voter only by a corrupt media, what has been labeled ‘the establishment’ is the greatest threat to this nation. Something Marco Rubio will hopefully come to understand over the next nine years.

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