I would say over a thousand people showed up in support of the conservative tea party movement. A couple dozen left wing protestors gathered in back to try to disrupt the process of the practice of free speech. When that lightning rod Vicki McKenna, local conservative talk show host, spoke the lefties marched up to the front to heckle her in a more personal fashion.
Yes, after many years now of attending the tax day rallies, receiving e-mails from numerous conservative organizations, but never contacting anyone or volunteering, I am well positioned to take complete control of the entire tea party movement, at least here in Wisconsin. I am not sure how that will come about, but that’s the story and I’m sticking to it.
This blog and attending the occasional rally are the full extent of my political plotting. The Unification Church has built plenty of political influence in typical open fashion with both parties. Because neither party wants to broadcast every issue on which they are involved with the Unification Church, or any number of other churches, does not make the associated political process secret. The Unification Church has ties far beyond what most people can imagine. They don’t need any secret plots or hidden agendas. Many may know, or not, that Reverend Moon has financed the Washington Times.
Obviously they don’t need or wouldn’t suggest to me to infiltrate anything. But of course I would want my blog, this blog, to be recognized to the greatest extent. God Bless America that I have the freedom to pursue my dreams.
If this were any typical campaign of the past Mitt Romney would lose in the face of such bigotry. Fortunately for him the Obama record is so dismal and un-American that anyone should be able to beat the President.
I do not believe people are taking serious enough the attacks Mitt Romney will be receiving over his faith. Anyone who thinks the Obama campaign will not take it there is a fool. Anyone who thinks such attacks will not influence the public has seen far too little of life.
Attacks on conservatism and Romney as a businessman can be seen through by the silent majority, despite the media. Attacks on his faith will take many people back, at least initially. Scrutiny of the history of the church, talks of secret teachings, bigamy, hidden agendas and the goal to infiltrate our government to establish a Mormon theocracy will all be put forth in some fashion over the next many months.
A friend of mine in California joined the Mormon Church and then left, as she and her family became more deeply aware of their unusual teachings. They heard all the negative attacks from anti-Mormon groups, took it in and the went back to the Mormon Church, sort of. They still do not want to join the Mormons because of the teachings, but they see the people there as truly good, even describing them as saints. And this is Romney’s strongest trump card in regard to his faith, that Mormons are truly good and patriotic citizens. It is being played well in the recent controversy over his wife. Behind every great man is a great woman. Their life story is beautiful.
President Obama’s life story might be described by some as a hidden agenda.
Of course Obama has the media in his pocket, but he has one more trump card greater than that; he doesn’t telegraph weakness. Our nation is on the ropes. We would be flat on the mat in these troubling circumstances if Obama were truly like President Carter. Carter gave a solemn bleak outlook to the people of this nation. It was the point where I became a conservative, or rather saw the democrats as complete losers. But because Obama keeps a strong positive appearance, our nation is handling these difficulties better; difficulties he is responsible for. One could easily make an argument that the strength and enthusiasm of former Soviet dictators kept the communist system viable for far longer than it would have been otherwise. Image is everything, as the saying goes. So let’s give Obama credit where credit is due. We all want our leaders to be strong no matter who they are. Obama’s ability not to be drawn into the despair he is bringing down upon this nation makes things look better than they are, gives the economy a slight boost, gives us all confidence, even fueling the hope that we can overthrow the Obama policies and take back our nation, …if we can win the election.
Mitt Romney has not faced challenges to his faith in the republican primaries, but they are coming. Perhaps he is a bit wary of being accused of being part of a Mormon conspiracy if he takes any strong stand on social conservative issues. I am sure he has faced persecution at times in his life; that dehumanizing rhetoric meant to isolate one from the rest of the world. Could that be one of the reasons we just can’t seem to figure out if Romney is a conservative or not? Why can’t we get a clear definition of exactly where he stands on almost anything? Is it the smell of fear, weakness in the air?
The key problem with Romney’s perceived lack of commitment to the conservative cause, his acceptance of the media and left wing presumptions, such as we need to get more money out of the rich, his parroting of media talking points in his statements, is that it gives the appearance of weakness.
Where do you stand Mitt Romney? If you don’t define your goals and vision clearly, but let the media define the playing field you will come across weak. Don’t let Obama or the media define the issues. Claim the issues. Stand in clear contradiction to what Obama, the left, claims this world, this nation to be and pound an alternative vision day in and day out.
In addition, if after going negative on your republican adversaries in the primaries you don’t go negative in your campaigning against Obama, you definitely will appear weak, giving Obama the a greater semblance of strength. Yes, you can go negative too long and suffer a backlash. Perhaps now is not the time, but if you don’t do it…you are playing into Obama’s strongest trump card.