It has become crystal clear that Ann Coulter has become one of the strongest advocates of Mitt Romney. I am just grateful that after so many endless months of Romney supporters calling into talk shows, local and national alike, declaring him a stout unwavering conservative that they were finally been called out for what they are; seminar callers. And since then they have either stopped or not made the air.
What I am not grateful for is Ann Coulter’s blind faith in the qualities of a man few can understand. In qualities yet to be determined and far from proven. I imagine that at some point Ann Coulter must have crossed paths with Mitt Romney. Upon resting her eyes on his impressive frame she certainly raised the back of her hand to her forehead swooned and declare, “Goodness gracious has ever so handsome of man graced our blessed shores?” Looking to impress she must have commanded her handmaiden to tighten up her corset, cutting off flow to her brain.
There is no greater example of her loss of mental facilities than her her rant of February 22nd in support of fore mentioned candidate.
First of all Ms. Coulter I would be interested in where you came up with your definition for the republican establishment. If you want to redefine what the general public senses as the establishment, first you have to define what they perceive as the establishment, something I will attempt here. Then you have to tell us why the current view is wrong and why your definition is the truly accurate view. Perhaps too many mental gymnastics for your age.
To suggest that talk show hosts such as Rush Limbaugh, and other conservative pundits who regularly rail against the republican establishment, are said establishment is more than specious. You’ve stepped into the looking glass, jumped down the rabbit hole and taken a leap over the coo-coos nest Ms. Coulter.
What I, conservatives and anyone else taken an honest look at the politics of today, consider the establishment is hard to identify but not nearly as hard to define. In its most simple definition the establishment are those who believe government can solve our problems. They are those who are attempting to stifle tea party representatives and senators. They are those who constantly chase the approval of the press.
The establishment is made up of layer upon layer of inbred generations of bureaucrats, lobbyists and the elected officials who feed them like the loyal pets that they are, members of their very household. All being sustained by contributions from the independently wealthy old money and corporations that feed them in kind from the same trough, who profit off the actions of our government and share that profit in kind.
And the establishment includes those of the highest ideals who listening to the siren call of big government, swept with the delusion that only they can save the people, dashed their values and integrity upon the rocky shores of tyranny. And it is Mitt Romney’s apparent blindness to the dangers of big government that scare conservatives the most. When questioned over basic conservative ideals he has that deer caught in the headlights stare and fumbles over his reasoning.
And be careful who you are calling moron’s Ms. Coulter. The idea that only Mitt Romney can defeat Barack Hussein Obama is …moronic.
Anyone the republican presidential candidates have a very good chance to beat Obama. A wet blanket would beat Obama if there were any integrity in the mainstream media. But maybe Ms. Coulter you believe the public cannot see beyond the nonsensical idol worship offered by the media. That the public can’t see beyond Obama’s swagger and charisma. But that the public will see beyond Romney’s Mormonism that will firstly be portrayed as racist before the really hateful attacks begin.
Can the public will see beyond the unusual beliefs and practices and accusations that they are seeking to control the government? This kind of accusation and hate is already all over Christian TV and radio. A daily double win for the mainstream as they can attack Christianity in one breadth, ridiculing their attacks, attacks they will describe in great detail, and then end with comments such as, “Well who really knows what’s true?” or “One’s religion shouldn’t be a litmus test, or should it?” Thereby, after ridiculing the accusations, suggesting they are true in the next.
So Ms. Coulter, all that bigotry the public can see past but not the pompous promotions of our President by the media and his smooth teleprompted words as our nation takes the fast lane to global insignificance for all to see?
Oh how I would have loved to see Herman Cain debate Obama, telling our President what his father always said, those pearls of homespun wisdom that have disappeared from our black communities. A real black man speaking truth to power. And what happened to all the calls for the simplification of the tax code now that endorsements pile on for Romney?
I would love to see Newt Gingrich tear Obama apart on any topic in a debate. Of course if he won the nomination debates would be labeled as trivial and base, the ugly side of politics, by the powers to be and there simply wouldn’t be any.
Ron Paul has his issues but could still win against our do nothing but tear down this country President. And of course Rick Santorum is well qualified. And speaking to Romney being the establishment candidate, on the fast track, why hasn’t the point been made that winning Pennsylvania, Santorum’s home state, would go a long way to winning the presidency?
The only conservative idea I have been able to understand from Romney is that he believes all big government spending should be passed off to the states. The problem is that it would all still be there waiting for the federal government to sweep back in and heroically save the masses of disfranchised citizens that the left claims make up this nation.
Mitt Romney may make a very good president. I believe he is a good man and, as Ted Nugent believes, that is a crucial requirement for me in a president. I will vote for him if he is the nominee. But Rick Santorum can also easily defeat Obama, is a good man and I believe much more of a conservative than Mitt Romney.
I hope you can get past this delusion you are under Ms. Coulter. This puppy love (perhaps puppy is too weak of a word) fro Mitt Romney that has produced this detachment from reality will hopefully pass. And if I thought changing your hair color would make a difference I would suggest that. But may I suggest a short exercise that may help you in this condition.
Repeat after me. “Anyone can beat Obama. Anyone can beat Obama. Anyone can beat Obama.”
Being so easily influenced Ms. Coulter perhaps you recognize imitation of your own sarcastic style as the highest form of flattery. And if truly flattered you should buy my book, though after reading your post of February 22nd I have no intention of buying any of your books, and give me your endorsement. I can send you a picture if that would help.
You might like my first book better.