There is a common and well founded conception that this country of the United States will never impeach President Obama because he is the first black President.
There are suspicions of illegal fundraising through undocumented credit card donations from the very first Obama Presidential campaign. There is ‘Fast and Furious’ which lead to deaths of our own agents as well as multiple deaths in Mexico at the ends of guns supplied by the Eric Holder justice department. There are the illegal intimidation tactics against the media and their sources that go back to and begin with Obama’s first term. There is the use of the IRS and other Executive Branch institutions to target and harass conservative movements, donors to conservative causes and conservative businesses. Remember the closing of the GM franchises when the government gained control. Then we have Benghazi and a complete dereliction of duty. These are but a few and the major issues of malfeasance this administration has institutionalized in the Executive Branch.
Peggy Noonan on “Meet the Press” this last Sunday said concerning the IRS scandal; “If it doesn’t stop now it will never stop, …The only way it can stop is if, frankly, a price is paid.”
The reason to impeachment President Obama from the Republican perspective is that the law must be enforced evenly for all. The idea that some people are above the law, or that we should take exception because of race is considered unacceptable not only from the viewpoint of equal enforcement but from the view that it degrades the whole rule of law in society. This is especially serious in that the United States has been the beacon of righteousness for many in the world and the concept that no one is above the law has a great deal to do with this faith.
This perspective is all too clear to conservatives but not to all republicans. It rightly suggests that the very survival of this nation is at stake. But back to the opening conjecture; what are the reasons people believe Obama will never be impeached because he is black?
Racial riots are a distinct possibility. In defense of Obama a hate filled racial fervor could be stoked, tearing this nation apart. In the least any attempt to impeach Obama would bring down media ridicule and disgust upon the republicans on an unprecedented level. They would be labeled racists. Not only labeled akin to the KKK but believed to be, among what has come to be known as the low information voter. Why go through all this if the Senate would never convict the President because it is under democrat party control?
Could you ever dream that party would trump right and wrong in this nation, especially when there is (OK, will be) a complete overpowering case against Obama? Race, forced equality, has become the new value system of this nation. It is propagated in our schools and pounded into the public psyche by a partisan media day after day. Has political correctness finally replaced the Ten Commandments or the concept that our rights are inalienable; coming from God? The reality is, the public is well conditioned against opposing the first black President.
So why would I suggest that Obama will be impeached? …and convicted!? First, the democrats could care less about the black man. Look at our failing inner city schools after decades of democrat party municipal rule. Democrat policies destroyed the black family and then their youth. The eugenics movement known as Planned Parenthood, a democrat mainstay, is committing a genocide against the black race. Democrat Robert Byrd our longest living Senator, a former high ranking officer of the KKK who recently died, was hailed as a hero to the cause. A man who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 along with Al Gore Sr.. Yes, it was the republicans who freed the slaves and passed the Civil Rights Act that the democrats opposed, …in both cases.
Obama is the ideal ruler embodying the ideology and tactics of the left, highlighting racial divisions; divisions that the democrats have used very effectively. But what about 2016? Unless Obama is going to scrap the Constitution and proclaim himself ruler for life, ala Hugo Chevez, a distinct possibility, there must be an election.
As it stands now Obama cannot run again. Who do the democrats have to run? Michelle? Hillary Clinton is the only one with the name recognition, or gravitas, and the preparation to run. The problem? Benghazi! The blame has all been placed on Hillary. The answer to one question solves all of Hillary’s problems; Where was Obama during those nine hours our citizens were being murdered? All blame can be lifted from Hillary and placed on squarely Obama’s shoulders, not only for the nines hours but all the policy decisions that lead to the massacre. Hillary becomes the martyr, simply doing what she had been told and protecting Obama by taking all the blame. Poor Hillary.
I believe there is a strong possibility that the democrats will throw Obama under the bus, or at least into the back, to win in 2016. It is a double win because they can still accuse the republicans of being racist for impeaching Obama. There will be just enough votes from the democrats to convict.
Even if Obama is not impeached or forced to resign, he will be thrown under the bus at the end of his term. It is the only way Hillary has a chance. The only alternatives for the democrats is to go for it all by suspending elections, or simply criminalizing the republican party and all conservative causes, and taking authoritarian control of the media. Something completely in line with the administrations policies as they are now being reveled.
In fact, why not throw Obama under the bus, impeach and convict him? It would have to be after 2014 of course, when the tea party gains even more power. Hillary’s campaign, after capitalizing off Obama, can then run to vindicate Obama and bring to an end once and for all the evil conservative movement that plagues this nation. Lacks logic? Common sense? It is perfect logic to those who disdain the truth. Or in other words, …all according to plan.
But what Peggy Noonan said is true;“If it doesn’t stop now it will never stop, …The only way it can stop is if, frankly, a price is paid.”
For this nation to survive there is no choice as to whether we mercilessly convict all concerned parties and seek impeachment proceedings. But with everything coming out at once and the way the media is handling it are we being setup? I can only hope and pray that the lies and tyranny has grown so great that politics as usual have come to an end, and we will return to this nations founding principles.