Friday, September 22, 2006

POWER of Association

Iran, after its long horrid war with Iraq, rises again under Mahmud Ahmadinejad, looking to destroy Israel and waiting for the twelfth imam to vanquish their enemies and put Ahmadinejad and the Iranian people above all others. Hugo Chavez, handing out free oil, is met with cheers around the world that haven't been seen since Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time in Italy. And an industrialized nation, China, in the far east is building a military vastly larger than required for its defense.
Where as our politicians, teachers and other public servants had gained the communities respect through long years of service, sacrifice and pursuit of excellence, over the last fifty years the efforts and hardships in achieving these standards are replaced with status by association. Teachers, professional politicians and journalists among others have lost touch with the course to become a person of morals and status and demand the respect they believe they deserve based on the position they hold.
Ahmadinejad, Chavez and others, being leaders of their nations, are treated with the reverence of a person of leadership and accomplishment, and high moral standing based on the positions they hold, when in reality they are nothing but thugs, just as the fascists of WW II.
Men such as President Bush and John Bolton, on the other hand, have shown true leadership under diverse conditions. They have not responded to polls or worried about how the media might respond, but have stood strong in what is right. They have shown character and integrity. Surely God has blessed American with such leadership.,2933,214709,00.html

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