Wednesday, October 11, 2006

God Outlawed......., Again.

Michigan has just made it illegal to teach intelligent design in public schools. The arguments are easy to find on the internet and the theory of intelligent design is sound and powerful. The development of the eye seems to be the slam dunk in its favor, something Darwin could never resolve either. How did simple cellular life know the characteristics of light and develop a way to take advantage of it? And the odds, statistics, that so many random mutations could be so successful over such a relatively short time period. Intelligent design is a far superior 'scientific theory' than Darwinism, and that is what is predominantly taught in science class; theory. It appears that our judges are the least evolved among us.
The real issue is does God exist or not. All the arguments of those who oppose intelligent design are predominantly that 'God doesn't exist and you can't try to prove it'. OK Marx and Lenin, you did real well with those theories.,1,938141.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed

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