Monday, December 12, 2011


I am far from the only one to ask the following questions. I have heard others talk about how the political establishment is working to preserve the big government status quo. But let me share my observations and insights for what they are worth.

Have there ever been so many presidential candidate debates so early in the past? Most of the debates have been only available on cable or satellite requiring most of the population to hear about them through the tinted lenses of the mainstream media. And many of the moderators have been from the same left leaning talking heads.

Considering this, and President Obama’s statement that they will use these debates against his opposition, one must marvel at the resources secured under the big government agenda players. This big government movement is the only truly bipartisan effort in our nation if one excludes conservative republicans. They have massive government resources at their disposal as well as the majority of media resources all working under the guise that government can solve all our problems.

But what all are covering their eyes, ears and mouths to is the revelation, so clearly proclaimed through the Obama presidency, that this is part and parcel of the socialist/communist agenda. A worldview that considers all other views evil and the enemy.

Anyone of clear mind watching president Obama’s interview on “60 Minutes” last night had to conclude the man delusional. But it is not his delusion, it is the socialist delusion akin to parental alienation. Parental alienation that I’ve heard described as the closest thing to true brainwashing that exists. It is all part of the process of accusing, vilifying ones competition, to such a degree of emotional fervor that reason and compassion are no longer required. Right is in the might of the stand against perceived wrongs, no matter how unfounded. It is a self consuming ideology that leads to discontent, hate and ultimately violence.

Most dangerous in all this is that the socialist, or rather communist, cause has been systematized in communist theory and action plans. The leftists of the democrat party are following a plan designed to overthrow our country. Nothing will be spared in their effort to re-elect Obama. It may come down to the point where we must choose between re-electing Obama or face nationwide riots such as those recently experienced in London. What would become of our elections if they were consumed in street violence? Who would declare victory?

I believe the re-election of Obama will be the end to this country as we know it. And after his re-election say goodbye to our Constitution completely. Hello to the Hugo Chavez of the United states. The dry run has already been completed and the world stands by and does nothing in regards to Venezuela. Obama will declare his third term in violation of the Constitution. Though we may have an election will the evil conservatives and republican party have any legal standing to put forth a candidate? All the class warfare and attacks on any opposition are for what ends? Most all communist nations have/had “democratic” in their titles and held elections. But the people had only one choice.

Obama has been played up in the same light as all the great dictators of the socialist cause. He appears to have no personal history, creating an aura of the divine, of being beyond comprehension, our savior. He can do no wrong. He proclaimed himself yesterday as being persistent, working hard for the people throughout his political career, though present seemed to be his vote of choice in Illinois and his United States senate term consisted of campaigning for his current office. A true figurehead that must always be right for the delusion to be maintained.

And all this could come to pass with the help of millions who have no real intent to see a socialist state established. But this has been the M.O. for communist take overs from the beginning. And what happens to all those who suddenly realize they made a mistake and try to step back from the cliff?

When we hear or read some lefty commentator, such as though getting a thrill up their leg, we on the right may often comment that when the communists take over they will be the first to go. But who are the first to go? Is it a small assortment of journalists who were for the cause but then changed their tune? Is it those who were always opposed to the socialist agenda? And what of those in government who after decades of having cause to impeach their political opponents suddenly try to act against the tyranny after it is to late?

Let us look at history. Communist regimes have always been associated with purges. And the death count of a typical purge does not rest in the hundreds, the thousands or even the tens of thousands. They run into the hundreds of thousands and millions, even the tens of millions.

All in opposition face imprisonment or worse. Then their families, and then anyone who knew them, and then anyone who might start protesting or asking questions such as “What happened to this person?” or “Why was this person arrested?” or “Where were those people sent?” The roundup continues until all voices are silenced through fear or other means.

You think this nonsense? What kind of crimes are the democrats getting away with now (or in the past) that the media will not even whimper at? “Fast and Furious” was a grossly incompetent plan to some, but designed to be a brilliant undermining of our Constitution; the second amendment. How about the release of our military secrets to our enemies from the time of Bill Clinton to the present, if not longer? Why wasn’t that drone recovered  by the Iranians not destroyed? How was it even collected in such pristine condition?

Here in Wisconsin we have put a leading republican in prison and they are trying to attack our republican governor for using government offices and resources for political campaigning. Yet there are many documented cases now of democrats doing on a large scale what the republicans have been accused of, namely using government e-mail and offices for campaigning, and no legal action is being pursued even as the republicans supposedly hold power.

Wake up! we are living under a tyranny and the time is now to through off its cruel yoke. Yes cruel! People’s lives are being attacked and destroyed for taking conservative political stands. Their lives are being threatened and nothing is done. We in Wisconsin are seeing this all and no one here will doubt my words.

And with these republican presidential debates it appears we are all being directed to candidates most easily defeated by Obama. There are a few names that could step in now, win the nomination and beat Obama outright. Some have even suggested that Jeb Bush could step in now and win. On the top of that list is Paul Ryan. But hey Paul, we wouldn’t want to disrupt your kids childhood. That could have negative effects on their FUTURES!.

Unfair? Well, I see clearly what the left is working for and how they look to accomplish it,as do many others. It doesn’t mean they will succeed, but why should we take the chance. Our great nation of the United States gives us a wonderful life and why would we want to risk losing it. But more importantly, what would this world be like without the United States?

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