Thursday, March 25, 2010

Twitter and Such

I often have long periods where I don't write on this blog. Sometimes I have things I want to write about but my circumstances don't allow, or I can't get the concept complete in my head. So I thought I would add a Twitter feed with Twitter's convenient widget. So I started a Twitter account specific to this blog under my pen name. I've done this with another blog I write on poker. I also use that Twitter account to follow poker greats. This is Twitter's strongest attribute. To get a glimpse at one that excels in something one is interested in themselves, whether politics, a profession, sport or hobby. So I was already aware of how Twitter works, though I don't use it with my phone. I know your tweets don't just disappear from your profile.

So this ground breaking Internet application, what I originally heard described as a 'micro-blog', would be just the thing to keep a consistent input of content on my blog. ... So I thought.

I am not sure why I've caught the attentions of some. It doesn't appear I have a large following. Maybe it is because in the past I continually commented on a leftist blog. Something I gave up on over a year ago. Why give any recognition to nonsense. Maybe it is because I seem to be on the cutting edge of expressing what the liberals have planned, how they see the world. But others such as 'The Great One' and Rush or Glenn Beck make the same points to an extremely broader audience. (though I think I have been ahead of the game once or twice, ... heah... some one has to toot my horn).

So why have my tweets disappeared? How does that happen? Marked as spam or what? No one has to read my tweets. They have to search for me to even see them. Of course they were visible on my blog but how is it different from just posting the same content on this blog that my comments should  be censored? They are all gone now except for my test tweets which consisted of "test" and "test 2". And there is no way I have found to actually ask Twitter what is going on.

Here are the Tweets that have disappeared:

The first, posted before the vote on health care, disappeared last;

'Does rising opposition from the states and others make it more likely for health care to be approved; the representatives believing it will be shot down by others, or not?' paraphrased, ... maybe exact.

And the others that didn't last long:

"Obama says no US flags in Haiti, I say let them vote to become a territory or our 51st state."

"Health care for the Healthy, death formulus for the rest of us."

Another was a link to my most recent blog post here. Maybe there were one or two more. I'm not sure. Any comprehensive tweet has been removed.

And it is not only Twitter. I cannot remember how long ago it was that I made a comment on a Yahoo news article. But I am very sure it was not controversial. Yet these past two days I tried twice to comment on a Yahoo article, I have a Yahoo account, and it would not post.

And my interface to produce this blog is slow and obsolete, unlike my other blogs, which are under a different account. I do not have a spell check and cannot even upload video when producing a post. I needed to upload the following video to my you/tube account and then embed it here.

Do I need to say; "Thanks for reading?"

The attack on the Internet is ramping up. Is it just by non government entities? Even if so, expect the government to start a censorship campaign of its own soon.

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