I am hardly an expert on South Africa though I have spent significant time with people from that nation both black and white. My experience in the Catholic Church and Jesuit institutions may give me a bit more of an insight into Pope Francis than Nelson Mandela. My regular readers may recognize my understanding and knowledge of communism and the Cold War era.
We have two prominent and influential figures, Pope Francis and Nelson Mandela, that embody reconciliation and goodness, never putting themselves above the laws they have committed themselves to. Yet both are a source of confusion. Pope Francis has created an atmosphere of, if not uncertainty surely murkiness around the topics of economics and sexuality.
Nelson Mandela has been an example of reconciliation in what some may rightly or wrongly call a saintly manner. He stood for the rule of law by committing himself to his nation’s Constitution and his understanding that his policies cannot be formed by ideology but by what will work for the people. Still he was a communist who contemplated terrorism before he was imprisoned. His party did commit acts of terror, follows the communist ideology and is poised, if they desire, to institute an oppressive communist regime in South Africa.
Both Pope Francis and Nelson Mandela seem to hold a low opinion of the United States. What is the source of this confusion and the dislike of the greatest nation the earth has ever seen, a nation that has been extremely beneficial to all in the world, by these two prominent individuals?
I would suggest it is communism, in both cases. Nelson Mandela was clearly aligned with the propagation of communism. Cuba worked devotedly in Africa to spread to the communist cause. I have heard tell of piles of literature propagated by North Korea and other nations directed to the leadership of many African nations. In the Popes case he has had to confront communism in South America and among his Jesuit brotherhood. How has communism shaped their views?
Communism professes that ‘this is the way the world is’. The world. Not Argentina or South Africa with their third world backgrounds but the entire world. And communists put forth what they claim are clear answers to solve the problems in this world. Most of Christianity believes the only final solution to the problems in this world is its ultimate destruction in the last days. In other words they don’t have a solution, there will always be those who are left behind. So when you have two people who feel called to address the problems of this world and have both been bombarded with communist propaganda most all their lives we find contradiction and confusion on some level. Why? Because communism is a false and failed ideology. Anything that takes it or any part into consideration in any form will not ring true.
Nelson Mandela, who knew communism clearly and rejected its failed policies, though he seemed committed to its ideals, may hold more credibility than the Pope who obviously is ignorant of communism’s seductive influences. Here in the United States we can see how misdirected and confused what is now being labeled the low information voter is in comparison.
The United States embodies, or did embody Christian ideals formed in a life and death struggle in pursuit of true freedom that comes from God and a vision that it is possible to create an ideal blessed world here on this earth, amidst the untainted wilderness, God’s creation, that spread out before our forefathers. Yet both these fore mentioned men who have great accomplishments for the betterment of humankind cannot conceive the reality of this nation’s goodness and potential.
They cannot perceive that the United States as founded, a Christian nation, stands in contradiction to all communism claims the world to be. Socialist and communist policies in this country are eroding these founding ideals and creating the image of the world communism espouses. Rather than continuous upward mobility by those of every class, a dynamic formerly associated with the United States, socialist policies are creating a permanent underclass of dependence and removing the hope of upward mobility for all but the few; an elite ruling class. The practical reality of all communist nations.
Communism’s ultimate goal is to destroy this nation of the United States as it was founded. That in itself should make communism’s origins clear.
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