Or perhaps I could title this one “The End Times, Phil Robertson 5 of 4” as the topics he raised remain front and center; the social degradation of society, particularly concerning sexual morals. A topic Phil Robertson has proven to be a master communicator on.
This last Sunday at church one gentleman brought up billboards put up by a certain Christian denomination embracing homosexuality. To quote the gentleman second hand, though I have seen these billboards myself some time back, the billboard read ‘We don’t care who you love, we still love you.’ If you really believe in Christian teachings the sign really says, “We don’t care if you’re going to hell, we still love you.”
These contrasting phenomenon of mankind coming to a point where the priceless value of each individual is recognized, and the near complete loss of all values or sense of right and wrong, the ability to recognize what is true or not as far as that can be accomplished with a mature educated discerning mind, may appear confusing. It may be called a sign of the end times. Consider with this all the under covered wide-spread infections of HIV, drug resistant bacteria and potentially deadly new forms of the flu, natural disasters and weapons of mass destruction in the hands of extremists, and one may think the world is coming to an end.
Isaac Asimov, in his “Foundation Trilogy”, portrays society collapsing when the foundational base knowledge of the advanced technologies that all civilization is built upon is lost. The ability to repair or reproduce these advanced technologies degrades as this foundational knowledge is lost and eventual the technology becomes unsustainable..
But if we look at the Obamacare website, that has become front and center in the news, as an example it is not loss of base technical knowledge that is bringing down our civilization but a lack of moral knowledge and fortitude. The software developer, CGI Group, was not chosen based on ability. They failed in previous projects of great but lesser magnitude. The private sector offered to do the site for free. Others said they could have done it better for a small fraction of what was and is being charged. Most likely we will be overpaying for updates to this site in perpetuity. Like Solyndra, and other green companies, I suspect much of the fees paid for the healthcare site are being funneled into liberal political causes including the democrat party in the tens of millions of dollars if not more. That is why CGI Group was chosen, for political gain, power, and not for true ability.
And it is not just the government. Yahoo, that takes a liberal political view in total contradiction to the views of its users is sharing the same fate. Whether on guns, homosexuality or politics remarks are ‘liked’ hundreds to even thousands to one in contradiction to Yahoo’s liberal views. Yahoo recently updated their free ‘groups’ function. Included is a new database that does not collate by date. So I put the year first in my 700+ fitness entries (i.e. 13/12/25) and that seemed to work until I went to add a new entry. You cannot simply add a new entry like before. You must edit the entire file. All the entries were scrambled when editing the file. So if I see a problem with one entry and want to edit it and press “edit file” who knows where I’ll find it. The most basic of functions for a database no longer exists on Yahoo.
While the large number of contentious issues may appear confusing it is not confusing at all if you have the right perspective. Let’s take Yahoo for example. I read a Yahoo news article this past weekend, though I have been unable to find it again. The writer for Yahoo was explaining why Phil Robertson’s comments were hate. His reasoning was, because there is no God and homosexuality is a natural activity among species. And it is not a imperfection, which any man of common sense would call it since it hinders reproduction of the species, but a product of evolution; supposed sound science. I still have seen no science in support of homosexuality as a biological reality.
There is the godless, on one side, where there is no right or wrong because there is no God, but only the evolutionary struggles of the survival of the fittest. The ends justify the means, morals that would hinder that are weakness. Plato, in “The Republic” some 2,400 years ago argued ‘in the name of Socrates’ that a government must lie to its people for the greater good, censor all arts and information and control who reproduces and doesn’t. Such ideas inspire the oppressor and have developed into the communism of today.
Then there are the Christians on the other side, where God is an absolute reality. All this confusion is simply the war of ideas and world views, between those who deny God and those who believe in God. Those who deny God have fruits that are rotten and sicken our inner cities. They are wrong and fail because their world view is based on lies. The fruits of Christianity have brought goodness and prosperity to all, embodied in the United States as it was founded.
Christianity has answers to the accusations from the left. Christians profess absolute love especially for one’s enemy and the sinner. So why has Christianity been powerless to defeat the communist/liberal cause? I would suggest because Christianity is wrong on some point where communism is right. I am not talking about homosexuality as a sin. The ideas I will present are not new to the Judeo-Christian tradition but have been rejected by most.
Socialism professes an ideal on this earth. In Christianity there is no ideal until the last day when this world is destroyed. There are always those who will be left behind. What if that is wrong? What if the second coming and the descriptions of the end of the world are simply the end of the evil world and Christ will establish an eternal kingdom on this earth as was intended from the beginning? These are age old teachings that fell out of favor.
It is interesting how revisiting these rejected ideas concerning the end times are taboo to Christians while so many Christians seem willing to reconsider whether homosexuality is a sin or not, though it has never been considered anything but a sin. (Now that is confusing) Where socialism fails enormously for its’ enormous flaws, perhaps Christianity has lost its influence and power for its’ mistaken understandings of where this world is headed. Perhaps the liberals are right on that one point and that is where their power comes from. That is the singular point where liberalism rings true in the hearts of all.
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